DrawBridge tells the story of my brother Steve (book’s illustrator), and how he communicated through artful elements. Today’s elements are Space and Shape.
The book came out June 1st, 2019. These blogs are an introduction. Non-verbal moments and elements of daily life inspire me, and also inspired Steve. What inspires you?
The seven Elements of Art are a language all their own:
Colour, Form, Line, Space, Shape, Texture (&Pattern), and Value.
They provide a communication tool, a means of expression, a way of being.

In the middle of winter,
Consider how the elements,
Space & Shape,
Inform and inspire (our) Nature.

Space in Art
Is above
And around
Between and within shapes:
Shallow or deep.
Without Space there is no Shape.
Space defines us and gives depth.
Shape in Art

Is natural or man-made,
Flat (2D) as in the photo
Or as stupendous (3D) as it was
Representational or abstract—
With line, colour, value, texture
Or surrounded by edges.
Nature’s Shapes are freeform—
Often rounded or irregular.

In Nordic skiing It’s good to be in Shape In order to cross Space Defined by the Elements: Moving in pendulum— Lifting out of ourselves In upward triangles of Trees and mountains, Skiing down double lines T’ward the horizon’s new day. |

- To check out Henri Matisse’s ‘The Moroccans’, click the link. Steve didn’t have the benefit of colour of which Matisse was a Master, nor did Steve see the original work, or know it was Matisse at the time.