Hydraulic fracturing. Nursery rhyme? Or crime?
Don Quixote, the first fictional character, was a dreamer. ‘Sand castles in the sky’ was just one of many. What are sand castles in the sky? Big plans, no substance.
In gas and oil extraction, we humans march in with big plans like Jack and Jills, trudging uphill with empty pails. We’re hoping to collect crown-jewel resources, but fall over in our haste and greed. Humpty gets in the way. Is he us, getting in our own way, or is he the shale itself? Busted.
Let’s dream big, but in a new, more sustainable way.
Listen to Joan’s May, 2013 blogtalk radio interview that considers ‘kicking up some spray’ in the youtubing world with a blend of word/movement/music: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ns-writers/2013/05/29/a-live-chat-with-poet-joan-boxall