Southern Vancouver Island locavores lollygag on the Trans Canada Trail in the Cowichan Valley. See Joan’s article pages 6-9 with ‘Getting There’ finale. Here’s a synopsis: Follow Lochside Trail up and over the Saanich Peninsula to the Brentwood Bay Ferry. Stop at Seahorses Restaurant or Merridale Ciderworks for refreshment before rolling on to Shawnigan […]
The Rule of Three: Okanagan Cross Country Skiing
The Rule of Three Cross Country Skiing Omne Trium Perfectum Everything that comes in threes is perfect. We didn’t realize we were following The Rule of Three. One never knows this ahead of time. It’s a writing rule that loosely parallels a visual art concept, the rule of thirds. The three rule creates tension. Once it’s […]
Cross Country Skiing Lucky Streak
Vancouver Skiers to Stake Lake and Larch Hills Friday to Sunday Jan. 24-26, 2014 As Vancouver Skiers depart for some cross country skiing at Stake Lake (near Kamloops) and Larch Hills (near Salmon Arm), two distinct streaks of cloud give the eastern sky a gold-encrusted flair. One is a snow omen. Snow we cross country […]
Hawaiian Culture, Kauai’s South Shore
Hawaiian Culture, Kauai’s South Shore As a tourist, garden volunteer and longtime repeat visitor at the National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG) on Kauai’s South Shore, Hawaii, I’m excited about the NTBG golden anniversary year, 2014. Renewal is brewing in the gardens. Andy Jasper, NTBG South Shore Director of Gardens, wears enough hats to make that […]
Pipelines as conduits and what’s goin’ through it? Does it fit, does it flow, in watery innuendo? Oil and gas, developing fast, but wait, go slow…in our own bodies, as well as in the body politic and the body democratic, funnel an alternative. To provide a hopeful future, we might well ask, ‘what’s goin’ through […]
TWS & North Vancouver City Library Local Authors’ Series
Upcoming poetry/prose readings: Thursday, October 3, 2013 The Writers’ Studio hosts readings at Cottage Bistro, 4470 Main St., 8pm start AND Wed., November 27th, 2013 7-8:30pm (doors open at 6:30 for wine and refreshments) North Vancouver City Library Local Authors Series, with Dina Del Cucchia, Barry Jakal, Maria Tomsich, and yeah Joan’ll […]
Mayne Island Sea Kayaking SKABC Labour Day Weekend 2013
Mayne Island SKABC Labour Day Weekend, 2013 Leader: Bruce Pickwell Review and photos: Joan Boxall Gathering together at the newly-managed Eco-camping on Seal Beach, Miners Bay, Active Pass, Mayne Island, we meet our gang of twelve in eleven boats. We plan on doing the eighteen nautical miles around […]
Writers’ 10th Annual Summer Dreams Literary Arts Festival
Writers’ 10th Annual Summer Dreams Literary Arts Festival: Winds of Inspiration What was it about the wind at the Summer Dreams Festival at Trout Lake Park (aka John Hendry Park) on Saturday, August 24, 2013? Was it how it stretched the cirrus into alluring fingers, or how the lake rippled and late summer leaves rustled? […]
Harmony Arts Festival & North Shore Writers: Love on the Fly
Harmony Arts Festival & North Shore Writers Love on the Fly Through Memoir Love on the fly you say…do tell. Well, that’s us. The North Shore Writers Association and the Harmony Arts Festival. The last day, August 11, 2013. Fran Bourassa led us in memoir writing in a two-hour workshop with credits to Sylvia Taylor. […]
Open Water Swimming: Lake Okanagan, Sasamat and Thetis: A Trio of Lake Swims
Open water swimming in British Columbia is a July goal with a trio of lake swims. In May, we prepare the transition from indoor pool to Kitsilano Outdoor Pool to lake, so that by the end of June, lake temperatures creep up as the snowmelt slows to a trickle. We don wetsuits to aid our speed and […]