North Vancouver Public Art reflects North Vancouver’s spirit and identity
with over 150 pieces in 12 neighbourhoods, North Vancouver Public Art is
integrated in parks and plazas, municipal buildings and commercial developments
along walkways, greenways, roadways, rockways, laneways
in wordplays, sculptures, mosaics, murals and digital art.
Discover and delight in North Vancouver Public Art
- Get the map: available at most North Van rec centres and at North Vancouver City Hall
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We start at Central Lonsdale’s Victoria Park (#102 on your map)
The Long Ascent, a turn-of-the-19th-century tough haul,
as we wind our way along the Green Necklace
via clematis-collonades, in quartet,
crowned in stories, illuminated, linking and weaving us west
to Coho Creek mosaic–
Centennial Mural and its garden, circling back
via View,
its glass-gated town homes
to The Chief
a Squamish-Nation legend
of a two-headed serpent and its slayer…
up the lane to view Ancient Sun, rising in the east, lighting our way
into City Hall where Integrated Plane reminds us of our topography.
Fallen Tree and 35 Rings root us in our past

Wilbur’s Web by Alan Storey “No, my webs were no miracle, Wilbur. I was only describing what I saw.” Charlotte to Wilbur, Charlotte’s Web, E.B.White
to Tree Fragments, stone insets…
Wilbur’s Web,
we drink in.

Inspired by Chief Dan George with West Coast petroglyphic imagery by Marianne Nicolson, My People Will Rise Up Like a Thunderbird from the Sea,
Looping back to Continuum, we encircle it, and head south
on Lonsdale’s east side past The Lady (camel) and Grizzly,
full of art,
full of community spirit.