Drawing Alongside My Brother’s Schizophrenia
A sister’s discovery of the healing power of art as she searches for connection with her schizophrenic brother.
Boxall’s narrative will move you and make you reflect on issues of love, intimacy and loss in your own family… This is a love story for adults, without any simple resolution or cheap redemption.”
—Vancouver Sun
Published by: Caitlin Press
Illustrated by: Stephen A. Corcoran

55+ plus lifestyle magazine
Guest writer of active travel tales for Inspired Magazine
[The author] is an accomplished magazine journalist, and the quality of her prose reflects that experience.
—Vancouver Sun
Link to articles here stems back to 2017:
Canadian Architect
Tsawwassen First Nation Youth Centre: In Style with Coast Salish Tradition
A guest post for Canadian Architect magazine.
November 2023
Read the article here:
Canadian Architect
Reaching for the Sky: Youth Centres for Indigenous Communities
A guest post for Canadian Architect magazine.
May 2024
Read the article here:
Travel Thru History Blogposts: https://travelthruhistory.com/to-bayeux-and-beyond/ Travelogue, 2014
https://travelthruhistory.com/christmas-bird-count-in-kokee-national-park/#google_vignette 2014
Coast & Kayak
Enchanting Desolation
A guest article for Coast & Kayak Magazine
Winter 2011
Please visit the link below and go to page 38 to read:
‘Joan’s Jam’ is a self-published cassette (and later, CD) of songs and poems compiled and performed by Joan Boxall (c) 1995 for the purpose of English-language acquisition, especially for newcomers learning the national anthem for the citizenship ceremony. Joan included three original raps/songs: ‘Joan’s Jam’, ‘Salad’, and ‘Recycle, Reduce, Renew, Reuse’.